Thursday, March 27, 2008

How Long to Keep Different Foods in The Refrigerator

Do you ever wonder if that food in your fridge is still good to eat?

Here is a table from the FDA that tells you how long you can refrigerate and how long can you freeze different foods for.

Click here to see the table

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Eight Most Poisonous Animals in The World

Although it is not likely you will ever come across too many of these animals, it's good to know who they are.

And some of them, like the snail and the frog, don't look like animals you would think are dangerous at all!

Click here to see them

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ten to Thirty Minutes of Exercise Can Improve Quality of Life

This article talks about a study including middle-aged overweight and obese women. But the bottom line is that is shows that as little as ten minutes of light exercise can bring about improvements in in your health.

Often times people get discouraged from starting to exercise because they think they need 30 to 60 minutes of intense exercise to get any benefits. That's simply not true. You are better off doing a light walk for ten minutes two times a week than not doing anything. And for someone who hasn't exercised in a while, something like that is much easier to conceive and get started at.

Click here to read the article

Friday, March 21, 2008

Preparing For Disasters

Although it is not something we like to think about, disasters like earthquakes, floods and hurricanes happen all the time.

People don't usually realize it, but the odds that you or someone you know will be caught in a disaster in some point in your lives are actually very high.

The better prepared you are, the better your chances are of survival. Sometimes being prepared makes the difference between being slightly inconvenienced or losing your life in the face of a disaster.

The American Red Cross recommends you take three steps:

* Have a kit- including food, water, flashlight, first aid and any medication you may need.

* Make a plan- talk to your family in advance so you know what to do in case of an emergency. That includes having a preset place you will meet or an out of state contact that you can call and let her know that you are OK, or that you need help.

* Be informed- know what kind of disasters may happen in your area and what you can do to better prepare, and learn first aid.

Click here for a Red Cross preparedness presentation

Click here for the Red Cross preparedness web page

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One More Strike Against Energy Drinks: They Wear Out The Enamel in Your Teeth

One more potential negative effect of drinking energy drinks: They can potentially wear out the enamel in your teeth.

Click here to read the article

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Quick Stretch Routine For the Office

Taking breaks during the workday are very important. Even a quick getting up to get a glass of water or go to the bathroom help you relax and have positive effects on not only how you feel but ultimately on your productivity.

This short routine is a good thing to do several times throughout the day.

Click here to read it

Friday, March 14, 2008

Students Hospitalized From Energy Drink

Four eight grade students ended up in the emergency room after drinking Redline, an energy drink.

For long time I have discouraged energy drinks. You should have good energy by eating right, not by taking tons of caffeine. In fact I'm even against drinking coffee if you do that as a way to wake you up in the morning.

Click here to read the article

Good Articles on Sleeping

Getting good sleep (meaning sleeping enough and sleeping well) is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

These two articles have some good tips on how to achieve that.

Click here for first article

Click here for second article

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Think it's OK to Drink Diet Soda?

This woman did an experiment with aspartame and rats.

Over 50% of the rats developed large tumors.

And that is actually only one of the potential consequences of drinking diet soda, which contain aspartame.

Click here to see the study

Click here for other consequences of aspartame consumption

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

9 Habits for Weight Loss

This short article has some good little tips.

I just have to add about that just because you are eating smaller servings, you shouldn't eat constantly.

If you are familiar with my eating plan you know that I do not recommend eating 5-6 small meals a day. Instead you should eat 3 regular size meals, 5 to 6 hours apart.

Click here to read the article

Monday, March 10, 2008

Alcohol Doesn't Really Warm You Up in the Winter

The claim that drinking alcohol actually makes you warmer is in fact a myth. What alcohol does is increase the blood flow to your skin, making you feel warmer. But in reality this causes a drop in your body's temperature.

In moderation this is not dangerous, but in excess, this can cause hypothermia.

Click here to read the article

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oldest Woman Alive Drinks One Cup of Olive Oil Every Day

An Arab-Israeli woman has recently been discovered to be the oldest person alive. She is 120 years old!

One thing she makes sure to do is to drink one cup of olive oil every day.

Whether or not that is the main reason for her longevity, I'm sure it contributes for it. I usually recommend that people consume a good amount of monounsaturated fat (the main fat in olive oil), but this may be the beginning of breakthrough in nutrition.

Click here to read the article

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Beware of That Drinking Fountain

This video from shows that after testing 97 drinking fountains, microbiologist Anne Loving she found that the water from ALL of them had disease cause bacteria. Some even including E.coli.

Click here to watch the video