Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ways to achieve younger looking skin

We are all not getting any younger, each of us go through the point of aging and that also we experience changes in our body. One permanent thing in life is change and that old age brings changes especially to our skin. Some things that might happen to you when this time comes are:

-The production of collagen is beginning to slow down; this element helps the skin to be firm.
-The production of elastin is decreasing; this element makes the skin elastic.
-Cells that are fat are disappearing which may result to sagging of skin.
-Skin losing its ability to retain moisture.
-Lines are gradually appearing due to muscle contractions
-Dead skin do not shed quickly

We had known the result of these changes as wrinkles, sagging, dryness, thinness in the skin and perhaps discolorations such as “age spots”. The skin that had lost its youthful glow can actually age you a bit. And according to a study from the University of Gottingen in Germany, they found that people looked five years younger when skin discoloration was removed from their photos. A digital smoothing of wrinkles lopped off a whopping 15 years!

And to maintain a looking younger skin must be aware of the following:

- Cut back on sugar and refined cards
- Drink more water
- Indulge in fruit and veggies
- Consider taking alpha lipoic acid
- Take the antioxidant CoQ10
- Lay off the harsh soaps and cleansers

These can help you achieve the youthful glow in your skin keep in mind and take it in action and the skin you wish is just a way far from your hands

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Fructose Diet Prevents Appetite Hormone

Fructose, the sugar naturally found in fruits, was once considered a good substitute for sucrose (table sugar). However, because fuctose is a form of simple sugar, just like sucrose, more and more studies are showing that too much fructose can be just as bad as too much sugar.

Excessive intake of fructose can prevent the appetite-controlling hormone leptin from doing its job and increase the risk of obesity, a University of Florida study of rats suggests. There is a proof that a little amount of fructose may help your body process glucose properly. However, excessive fructose at once may overwhelm the body's ability to process it.

Fructose is good if it is within the recommended dietary allowance. Most of the carbohydrates we eat are made up of chains of glucose. When glucose enters the bloodstream, the body releases insulin to help regulate it. Fructose, on the other hand, is processed in the liver. To greatly simplify the situation: When too much fructose enters the liver, the liver can't process it all fast enough for the body to use as sugar. Instead, it starts making fats from the fructose and sending them off into the bloodstream as triglycerides. It is really bad in our body with this three reasons:
• High blood triglycerides are a risk factor for heart disease.
• Fructose ends up circumventing the normal appetite signaling system, so appetite-regulating hormones aren't triggered--and you're left feeling unsatisfied. This is probably at least part of the reason why excess fructose consumption is associated with weight gain.
• There is growing evidence that excess fructose consumption may facilitate insulin resistance, and eventually type 2 diabetes. However, some of this effect may be from chemicals in soda which reacts with the high fructose corn syrup.
The study was published in the American Journal of Physiology -- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tips on Avoiding Infections

We can get infections everywhere: at home, at school, at the shopping malls or even at the gym. That's why it is very important that we know how to avoid them. Here are some ways to avoid getting infections at the gym.

* Avoid sharing - In terms of personal hygiene, it is not advisable to share towels. Do not use someone else's towel. It is recommended that you have your own equipments such as mats. Bacterial, fungal and viral infections can be found in mats that are not regularly cleaned.

* Check for wounds before jumping in the whirlpool or sauna - Microbes can live even in hot water. You can get infected by "hot tub rash" in public hot tubs. To prevent it, shower after you use the tub.

* Check if the equipment is clean - Most of the equipment inside the gym is being shared with other gym-goers. It is recommended that you wipe the machine off with an anti-bacterial wipe or with at least 60% alcohol.

* Wear slippers inside the shower room - Gym-goers are prone to getting athlete's foot by using their public shower. It is best to protect yourself by wearing slippers or flip-flops inside. Dry off your feet afterwards.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Exercise and Heart Failure Patients

Heart failure is a condition where the heart malfunctions and fail to supply enough blood flow to meet the needs of our bodies. For those who suffered from Heart Failure, quality of life became difficult.

According to researchers at Duke University Medical Center, "Heart failure patients who regularly exercise fare better and feel better about their lives than do similar patients who do not work out on a regular basis."

A recent study called the HF-ACTION study was conducted. Researchers found out that exercise is safe for heart failure patients and it also helps improve the quality of their lives. Regular aerobics and exercise can help heart failure patients extend their lives and also have a positive impact in their outlook in life.

Heart failure patients who exercise experience improvements in walking, bathing, and even the ability to dress. They also get to be more physically active and even get to visit family and friends.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Bee Pollen May Enhance Your Sex Drive

According to NaturalNews, "Bee Pollen is not only great for sex drive, it will also make you feel great, have more sustained energy, increase your endurance, relieve stress, enhance your immunity, and reduce allergies... as well as improve your sex life."

Research shows that bee pollen supports men's sexual health in many ways. Bee pollen helps increase sperm count as well as increase male fertility. Research shows that sperms swim faster and last longer with bee pollen. They also seem to be more motile and viable. Since bee pollen contains Zinc, it also helps in increasing sex drive in men.

Men with prostate problem will also benefit from it. It will reduce the pain while enhancing the sexual drive. Male infertility is also caused by free radicals. Bee pollen is effective in countering free radicals.

Other benefits include increase of energy and endurance, and reducing stress. It is also packed with nutrients.

Click here to read the article

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How to Prevent Dangerous Allergies

Do you fear getting an allergic reaction? It is known that over 54 percent of Americans have allergies which causes them to have symptoms like sneezing, congestion, watery/itchy eyes, and a runny nose. According to studies in the Archives of Internal Medicine, almost 15 percent of the population in the U.S. may be at risk of severe allergies.

Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to substances that normally don't cause a reaction to the body. This sets off a chain reaction that results to allergy symptoms. There are several allergies that can cause a life-threatening reaction:

1. Food
2. Insects stings
3. Drugs
4. Latex

There are things you can do to prevent an allergic reaction from the above. With food allergy, be sure to read the food labels carefully. Do not eat out since you can't be sure of what's exactly on the food in restaurants. The best way to avoid insects stings and bites is to be cautious if they're nearby, but do stay calm, move slowly away from them and resist slapping them. If you have allergy to some medication make sure that your doctor and pharmacist are aware of it, so that they can recommend you another medicine.

Click here for article

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Stress Affects Women's Health

Regardless of our status, age or race, we deal with different kinds of stress every single day. In fact, stress can be one of the root causes of different physical ailments that we experience. Each of us has different stress levels. What is stressful for one person might not be stressful for another. This alone makes it more difficult to manage or treat it.

Short term or acute stress is what we experience when we are beating a certain deadline, looking for the keys or a missing jewelry or any short term problems. This kind of stress comes and goes and is not permanent. Some symptoms include increased breathing, increased blood pressure, irritability, decreased memory, and muscle tension.

Meanwhile, long term or chronic stress stays with us for months or even years. This kind of stress is associated with our life stories. It can be because of a traumatic event during our childhood years or even events that affected our adult years. This kind of stress can lead to diseases.

According to Dr. Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP "In both acute and chronic stress, the power of the mind-body connection is clear. What we perceive as a stressful or dangerous situation — whether it truly is dangerous or not — has implications in the body. For example, if you’re standing in the street and you think you hear a truck coming, your body physically prepares you to move out of the way, even if the sound is something else entirely. Likewise, our past emotional experiences can color the way we see current situations. If your father had a volatile temper that scared you as a child, you will likely feel scared as an adult when a boss, a husband, or some other male authority figure gets angry, even when that anger isn't directed at you. So the stress we feel as children can repeat itself and have a lasting effect on how we think and experience life as adults."

Women undergo different stress compared to men. Women have to undergo the stress of giving birth, taking care of children and families, etc. Women nowadays try to do more and more by themselves which puts them in a stressful situation.

Here are some tips and strategies shared by Dr. Marcelle Pick to reduce stress:
  • Start with quality nutrition
  • Fill in nutritional gaps with a high-quality multivitamin/mineral complex.
  • Explore relaxation practices
It is important that we try to find ways to reduce stress in our lives. Not only will it put us in a better mental and emotional state but it will also help us improve our physiological health.

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Itching Can Be Caused By Stress

Our skin serves as our external barrier from bacterias and also the first line of defense of our bodies. It is also a place where white blood cells attacks bacterias and viruses that threatens to invade our bodies. This however can cause an over-reaction in our skin.

Patients who are suffering from inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis are some examples of over-reaction of skin. This condition can be aggravated by stress. Experts say that stress can increase the number of immune cells in the skin.

According to Dr. Petra Arck of Charité, University of Medicine Berlin and McMaster University in Canada, "that stress activates immune cells, which in turn are central in initiating and perpetuating skin diseases. "

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Cons of Oversleeping

Sleep is very important in order to keep our bodies healthy and fit. It is very important to get at least 7-9 hours per day.

The amount of sleep that we need depends on our daily activities as well as our age. It is also affected by our lifestyle habits and overall health. Every person has different levels of sleep. People who sleep more than 9 hours per day are called hypersomniacs. People who are suffering from this medical disorder experiences extreme sleepiness throughout the day and is not relieved with napping. They also sleep unusually long periods at night time.

However, oversleeping may be linked to several medical disorders as well. People who oversleep are at a greater risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Aside from that, oversleeping can also lead to obesity. People who oversleep are more likely to experience headaches, back pains, and depression.

Aside from completing the 7-9 hours sleep per day it is also important that you follow a regular schedule of bedtime everyday. Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime. Exercising regularly and make your bedroom a comfortable environment that's conducive to sleep will help you get the amount of sleep you need.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Are Bottled Waters Really Pure?

One of the most common steps I see people taking to protect their health is to drink bottled water rather than tap water. They assume that bottled water is safe, pure and clean. But is it?

Environmental Working Group released the results of an examination they conducted with 10 major bottled water brands. The results: 38 low-level contaminants turned up in the water, with each brand containing an average of eight chemicals. Disinfecting products, caffeine, Tylenol, nitrate, industrial chemicals, arsenic and bacteria were detected.

EWG also found out that Wal-Mart's bottled water contained trihalomethanes, which form when naturally occurring materials in water combine with chlorine. This particular chemical has been associated with instances of cancer and miscarriage.

According to EWG "lab analyses showed that the Wal-Mart water and a brand sold on the East Coast (but not in California) by the Giant supermarket chain were "chemically indistinguishable from tap water. The only striking difference: the price tag."

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Sunlight and Male Infertility

There are a lot of factors that affects male infertility. Drugs, alcohol and smoking are among them. However, a recent study links lack of sunlight to male infertility.

We get Vitamin D from sunlight, this helps regulate the levels of calcium and phosphorous to generate healthy bones. Vitamin D and folate deficiency are known to be associated with infertility in women.

But a recent Australian study has revealed disturbing levels of vitamin D deficiency among men who are unable to impregnate their partners.

The study conducted by specialist Dr Anne Clark screened the blood of almost 800 men with fertility problems, finding almost a third had lower than normal levels of vitamin D.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Music Affects Us

Music has been proven to have impact in emotional well being. Several researches have been conducted to prove the effects of music. For example, listening to classical music during pregnancy is believed to enhance the brain development of the baby inside the mother's womb.

Music also sets our mood. Music is a great way to pump you up while jogging or working out.

Health professionals and doctors believe that music relieves stress. According to Pediatrician, Linda Fischer, "It's healing music that puts the patient in a special place of peace as far as the music's rhythm, melodies and tonal qualities."

Music is also believe to stimulate memories, ease labor pain, and reduce depression.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Grapes Help Keep Our Hearts Healthy

Fruits are known to be beneficial to our health and body. Each fruit contains essential nutrients and vitamins that helps different parts of our body.

Grapes are among the fruits known to be very healthy. A new research was conducted to find out if grapes could really help to fight hypertension from a salty diet. Results shows that grapes may have an effect in lowering blood pressure, enhancing heart function, reducing inflammation and lessening heart muscle damage. The effect is thought to be due to the high level of flavonoids in grapes.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Relexation Techniques for Computer Geeks

Whether you work at an office that requires you to sit in front of a computer or whether you work from home, working in front of the computer can be stressful. It may result to a neck and shoulder tension as well as eye irritation.

Here are some eye-neck relaxation techniques.

-Sit comfortably erect in your chair so that your head and neck are free to
move. While looking straight ahead, place the tips of your ring, middle and
index fingers of both hands on the back of your neck on each side of your spine,
with the ring finger just below the base of your skull. Let your fingers relax
so that they can gently sense the movement of the muscles.

-While facing forward, move only your eyes to look to the extreme right and then, to the extreme left. Continue looking from side to side a few times, keeping your head
still. As your eyes move, feel with your fingers the movement of your neck
muscles. Most likely you can feel the slight tightening and relaxation of these
muscles as your eyes shift back and forth.

- While you did this exercise, were you breathing? If you held your breath, repeat the above while breathing from your diaphragm. Use the above awareness exercise to remind yourself that neck tension and holding your breath tend to occur concurrently while looking at the monitor

- Take periodic vision breaks to reduce your neck and shoulder tension. Practice some of the following during your workday: Relaxed blinking. Allow your eyelids to drop down and softly close your eyes every minute or so (e.g., while waiting for the computer, at the end of a column of numbers, while talking on the phone, etc.).

- Drop you hands to your lap and gently shrug your shoulders or wiggle your head during a micro-break. Slowly turn your head from side to side while keeping your eyes soft and feeling a softness in the muscles in the back of your head.
Breathe diaphragmatically, feeling heavier (like a sleeping pet or baby) for three or four breaths every 15 minutes.

Click here to read the article from Health World

Friday, November 7, 2008

Occassional Smokers, Still At Risk?

Smoking is well known to have its negative effects on both active and passive smokers. But what about occassional smokers, are they still at risk?

A recent study conducted at University of Georgia researchers "found that the arteries of otherwise young, healthy adults who smoked less than a pack a week were 36% less responsive to changes in blood flow than nonsmokers, even if it had been days since their last cigarette. This lack of responsiveness, known as impaired flow-mediated dilation, is an early sign of the arterial damage that typically foreshadows the development of cardiovascular disease."

That's bad news for the occasional smokers and "weekend smokers" . Regardless of how many cigarettes you smoke in one day or one week, smoking is still one of the worst things you can do for your health.

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Acupressure Used to Calm Children

Children who are about to go to surgery are normally given sedatives prior to anesthesia. However, sedatives can cause nausea and even prolongs sedation among kids.

According to Dr. Zeev Kain, "Anxiety in children before surgery is bad because of the emotional toll on the child and parents, and this anxiety can lead to prolonged recovery and the increased use of analgesics for postoperative pain. What's great about the use of accupressure is that it costs very little and has no side effects."

Accupressure uses the same principle of accupunture, except that it doesn't use needles. Because of that, it is less invasive and less frightening to kids, making it sometimes more effective overall than sedatives.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Closer Look At Fruit Snacks

Nowadays, there are lots of products that are fruit flavored, be it drinks, candies, yogurts, etc. However, a recent study conducted by the British non-profit Food Commission, shows that most of them has no fruit at all.

Some products are even being advertised as "all - natural" or "strawberry-filled" for example. Consumers should be very cautious in reading the labels to find out the content of the product. Even such products may not content fruit at all.
In the study, the contents of 28 strawberry-flavored products sold in U.K. stores were analyzed. Less than 40 percent of them contained any fruit at all. Of the 11 products that did contain strawberries, five of them contained less than one percent real fruit. The product with the highest strawberry content, at 6 percent.

Manufacturers may tend to use coloring and flavoring instead of putting in real fruits to primarily cut down manufacturing costs. However, consumers are not aware of this. Like most of us, we just purely "listen" to what the ad says and most of the time forgets to double check the labels.

As a rule of thumb, packaged and processed foods should not be part of your daily diet. But if you do buy a fruity flavored snack, take sometime to read the label first and double check.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Aging and Weight Gain

Most of us believe that weight gain may be relevant to age. That as we all grow older, the probability of gaining more weight also increases.

As we age, our muscle mass tends to decrease, and our body fat percentage tends to increase. Our bone mass also decreases as we age. Genetics is also another factor for weight gain.

Exercising is one of the most important things you can do to offset aging-related weight gain .

Diet is also as important as exercise. As we get older, there is a need for us to change our diet. Because your metabolism tends to slow down, eating too much and eating the wrong kind of foods will have bigger consequences as we age.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Tips on Preventing Severe Stroke

A recent international study was made to evaluate whether exercise can limit the possibilities of having a severe stroke.

They found out that "people who exercised the most prior to their stroke were 2 1/2 times more likely to have a milder stroke when compared to those who exercised the least. And participants who put in the most active hours were also twice as likely to experience a better long-term outcome."

For those who have already reached the age of 50's - 60's it is still very important to spend time for exercise. Reaching that certain age of retirement doesnt mean less physical activity, in fact this should be a time for us to be more careful and cautious with our health. Light exercises or even just engaging to physical activities such as ballroom dancing, gardening etc can help our bodies stay fit.

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