Have you sometimes found yourself seized with impossible situations? Were they related to your business, job or family? Well, you can circumvent the travails that life throws your way by thinking "outside the box." Get in on 11 ways you can deal with these situations. Lateral thinking involves taking an unconventional and wholly new way of looking at a particular issue. However, you need practice and a certain amount of inspiration. For example, asking a child how to address the problem might point the way to a spectacular solution. The human brain is capable of processing a piece of puzzle any which way. Provided, it is instructed to do so, of course. Wonderful, isn't it?
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Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Restaurant And Packaged Foods Can Have More Calories Than Nutrition Labels Claim
According to a recent study published in the January 2010 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, the "low-calorie" food items that you've been ordering at restaurants and buying off supermarket shelves, may not be so innocuous after all. In fact, they contain significantly more calories than indicated in their nutritional labeling. And beware of those side dishes they serve you gratis at some restaurants, too. Obesity isn't an exactly exhilarating condition - don't wantonly aggravate it. The key to redemption is awareness. What's the real deal on those enticing dishes they serve you at fast food restaurants? Find out...
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Advice For Elderly Folks: Keep Off Frailty By Volunteering
In a study conducted by UCLA researchers that appears in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, frailty - a geriatric condition marked by loss of vitality in elderly people - can be kept at bay by volunteering. The specific act of volunteering, rather than paid work, seems to be the best antidote to counter frailty. For aged people weighed down by physical debility and dysfunction, this spells new hope. Could be the sense of service to others and the accompanying physical activity that results from volunteering has to do with alleviating this age-related malady.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Get Rid Of Bad Breath And Dry Mouth - Find Out How
“Xerostomia,” a medical term for dry mouth, caused by reduced flow of saliva, is usually accompanied by bad breath. If you've experienced dry mouth at times, possibly due to increased stress, it's not of much consequence. However, if dry mouth persists continuously, you probably need medical attention. Xerostomia usually afflicts aged adults, mostly women, due to medications taken to counter other problems such as urinary incontinence and high blood pressure. However, the good news is you can get relief from this condition by taking simple actions such as sipping water regularly and avoiding breathing through your mouth. And there are a whole lot of other remedies too.
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Monday, January 25, 2010
Australian Researchers Link Watching TV To Shortened Life Span
A new study by Australian researchers, released in Circulation, a journal of the American Heart Assn., found that watching television excessively led to obesity and heart problems due to inactivity. Spending inordinate hours in front of TV, in addition to increasing cardiovascular risks, enhanced the risks of other life-threatening conditions, including cancer. Although the findings didn't pin the blame directly on TV viewing, the statistical evidence was damning. Find out more...
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Friday, January 22, 2010
Lower Your Cholesterol Level - Get A Grip On Life
Lowering your cholesterol level is important for staying fit and healthy. However, taking a disciplined approach to your diet presents quite a challenge with all those gastronomic temptations thrown your way in restaurants and parties. Avoiding foods rich in fat is one of the ways you can go about it. Get more information on how you can keep your cholesterol level down by opting for simple modifications to your dietary habits.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
Just Thinking Of Your Significant Other Can Reduce Pain
A new study by UCLA psychologists indicates simply thinking of your loved one can reduce your pain. The study, which involved 25 women, found the participants experienced significantly less pain when shown photographs of their boyfriends. So, if you are passing through difficult times and feeling lonely, it might help to just let your mind drift to those dreamy moments you spent with your significant other.
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Want to Lose Weight? Watch Less TV!
Recent findings by US researchers show that overweight people, both adults and children, can reduce those extra pounds by cutting down on the hours spent in front of the TV. Apparently, by spending less time watching television, people tend to busy themselves on more active pursuits. This helps them burn those extra calories. It hardly helps being a popcorn-munching couch potato. And the boob tube would have us do just that.
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Foods That Help Your Immune System
Did you know vitamin C is important for your immune system? And you can get this naturally from the food you eat. Vitamin C plays a major role in regenerating body tissues and protecting cells. Certain types of foods are rich in vitamin C - like oranges and strawberries. You need to know what your body needs. Don't neglect your diet. After all, there's only one life to live.
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Monday, January 18, 2010
New Study Finds That Running Barefoot is Easier on Your Joints
A new study claims conventional running shoes may adversely affect the joints of the hip, knee, and ankle. D. Casey Kerrigan, MD, a physical medicine expert who led the study, feels when runners use these shoes, there's increased stress on the knee joints, when compared to running barefoot. But other experts think the risk posed by running shoes isn't that significant. Still, you might want to give barefoot running a try.
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Friday, January 15, 2010
Mental Depression? It's The Sugar In Your Diet!
Malcolm Peet, an eminent British psychiatric researcher, has come up with an astonishing finding - mental illness may be the result of high sugar consumption. Intake of refined sugar inhibits the release of an important growth hormone in the brain called BDNF. It also promotes chronic inflammation. All of which contribute to depression and schizophrenia, not to speak of brain damage. Read up more on this. And it's time to axe those sugary cravings. Not much bliss in seeing a shrink, is there?
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Thursday, January 14, 2010
Concerned With Skin Aging? Time To Slim Down And Quit Smoking
Do you smoke? Have you been putting on weight lately? It's likely your skin is taking the impact by aging more than your years. New research suggests that higher exposure to the sun causes photodamage to the skin, which makes it appear coarse and wrinkled. The process is accelerated by obesity and smoking. Find out what the researchers have to say. After all, you wouldn't want to be grounded with a condition that's not only skin deep.
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Natural Alternative To Aspirin That Thins Blood
Do you regularly pop in those aspirin pills? Then you need to no longer. Fruitflow, a patented tomato extract, has been shown to thin blood, performing the same role as aspirin - only minus the side effects. Aspirin is important for preventing blood clots in arteries leading to the heart, particularly for people that are aged and pursuing a risky lifestyle, which includes smoking and drinking. Fruitflow has been shown to be capable of doing the same job. Stands to reason - you can kiss goodbye to gastric ulcers, abdominal bleeding and such other afflictions - the side effects of aspirin. Get in on more info here...
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Watch Your Flab And Waistline - Top Recipes For A Cardiac Disaster
There's more reason to pay attention to your weight and waist size - these conditions can lead to serious cardiac problems, some of which are often fatal. An extended 10-year study conducted by Dutch scientists has found as much. Obesity, a high body mask index (BMI) coupled with an ample waistline should ring the alarm bells for people burdened with these conditions. Are you overweight or obese? Time to find out now what these researchers have to say. Next time might be a trifle too late...
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Monday, January 11, 2010
Good News For Snoozers - You're Doing The Right Thing
Daytime napping isn't a waste of time after all, according to new research. In fact, it's a desirable activity that should be encouraged to increase productivity at the workplace. Snoozing workers also reduce their chances of cardiac problems. Some nations like Portugal, Spain and Japan almost religiously support short naps during office hours. Find out more about catnaps and also why sleeping well at night is important for you and your career.
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Friday, January 8, 2010
Less Sugar In Your Diet Spells Better Cardiac Health
If you want to believe the American Heart Association (AHA), the amount of sugar you consume increases the risk of heart problems. Sugar indirectly induces cardiac diseases by contributing to obesity, high blood pressure and other conditions. Better awareness is the key to avoiding those "empty" salaries. There's no merit in neglecting your daily intake of fruits, vegetables and lean protein in favor of your sweet tooth. Eat healthy - no sense in putting your heart on the line...
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
Are You A Victim Of Heavy Metal Toxicity? Know More...
Many of us are unwittingly exposing ourselves to heavy metal toxins on a daily basis. Our exposure to these dangerous toxins is increasing over time as we get on with our lives and they enter our body from the air we breathe, the water we drink or even our diet. Certain professions and activities are more at risk than others. Accumulation of heavy metals in our body triggers off certain symptoms like headaches and breathing difficulties. While it may not be possible to altogether eliminate exposure, it helps to be aware of how to minimize it, and proceed with the treatment of such contamination. It's never too late to make a start.
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Don't Let Muscle Cramps Get You Down
Muscle cramps can bring you down at any moment and without warning. Well, you don't have to writhe with pain from those sudden attacks - not if you inform yourself properly. These easy-to-follow tips will stand you in good stead regardless of whether you pursue an active lifestyle or not. They tell you why you get these muscle cramps and how you can minimize their occurrence. For example, what you eat and drink and how well you exercise do count. However, in case of acute distress, never fall shy seeking immediate medical help.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Advice For Men: Marry Smart - That's How You Live Longer!
There's news for men. It's not their education but how bright their wives are that determines if they will have a long and healthy life here on planet Earth. This might come as a dampener to the male ego which thinks it's "clever enough for two." But then, Swedish scientists have found otherwise. Turns out, smart women are equipped with an uncanny instinct to wean their husbands away from unhealthy habits that could pose a threat to their well-being - thus prolonging the span and quality of their lives. So it's time to pause and think again before you cozy up to that flaming bimbo - if you aren't already married, that is... Well, then again, who knows? She might be cute in the head, too. Anyway, just kidding.
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Monday, January 4, 2010
Being Overweight Affects Your Brain!
New research has come up with an astounding finding! Elderly people who are obese or overweight have less brain matter as compared to those who aren't. The brain tissues lost affect decision-making and memory. Aside from that, there's a much higher risk for diabetes, cancer and heart conditions - not to speak of impotence and infertility - for obese and overweight people. So, definitely, more is not always better – especially, as you get on in years.
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Friday, January 1, 2010
Let Your Kid Play - This Will Help Him Later On
Kids active at age 5 continue to stay slim later in childhood even though they may not remain as active, according to an University of Iowa study. The study says this may be because active 5-year-olds developed lesser fat cells, enhanced their insulin response, or their metabolic system improved in some way which helped them stay leaner at the age of 8 or 11 - even though they had slowed down during the intervening years. Parents and school authorities should take note of this and encourage kids, whether boys or girls, to be more active outdoors during the early years. Turns out, this will stand them in good stead in the years to come.
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