It's time you took steps to break free of the drab existence you put up with day in and day out. Let these incisive health tips breathe fresh life into your listless existence so you come off more relaxed and energized to take on life's challenges with new determination. It's possible to keep aside some time for some simple, all-natural things to do each day for long-lasting energy, according to Alan Hirsch, M.D., neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. You can start off right from the time you get up from bed. Exposing yourself for a few moments to bright sunlight after you wake up can be quite uplifting. Exposure to bright light signals your body to stop production of melatonin, a sleep hormone that makes you feel draggy. Your brain produces this hormone at night to induce sleep, says Norman Rosenthal, M.D., a professor of psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School in Washington, D.C. She explains that a morning blast of light tells your brain to stop making melatonin - which gives you a surge of energy. Small steps like this can keep you ticking - all day long...
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Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Traveling Is Fun - But Without Bedbugs!
It's exasperating to have to remove your shoes for a security guard or pay $50 because your luggage is a trifle too heavy. Then there's jetlag. Some of the things that figure in your list of complaints as a frequent traveler. However, these inconveniences pale into insignificance when compared to the new menace: bedbugs. Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent - these critters seem to know exactly how to queer your traveling experience. They love to hitch a ride on your luggage, and have an uncanny knack of sneaking up on your home or workplace, making it difficult to continue with the ordinary business of life. Apart from stretching your mental sanity, bedbugs can wreak havoc on your wallet by way of thousands in clean-up costs. Fortunately, it's possible to travel and yet stay free of these pests when you return from your journey with these well researched tips. For example, when checking into your hotel room, look out for signs of bedbugs. Especially, the lovely, comfortable, relaxing bed that looks so inviting may be teeming with these pesky insects. Be aware - don't let these pernicious critters crawl right into your life...
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Processed Meats Serious Health Threat, Says WCRF
Following a detailed review of over 7,000 clinical trials looking into links between diet and cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) recently concluded that processed meats are unacceptably dangerous for human consumption. This overly point-blank and momentous conclusion, not surprisingly, has the meat eating population in a flutter. In fact, the WCRF strongly urges everyone to quit buying and eating all processed meat products - for the rest of their lives. Processed meats like bacon and sausage that come in frozen prepared meals are typically manufactured with sodium nitrite, a carcinogenic ingredients used as a color fixer by meat companies to impart a bright red color so the products appear fresh. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite is also responsible for formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body leading to increased cancer risk. However, due to the considerable influence that big food corporations wield over U.S. government regulators, it's quite impossible to stop this dangerous practice. Still, you can protect yourself by following these valuable tips. However, your best defense is to completely discard processed meats.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Slimmer Waistline Equals Better Cardiac Health
Men and women need to pay better attention to their expanding waistlines, as this can potentially be the precursor to more serious health challenges. For men, a waistline over 40 inches, and for women, a waistline more than 35 inches, should be interpreted as bad news, according to researchers who followed the weight and waists of over 100,000 people aged 50 and above for nine years. Their findings unequivocally suggested that a larger waistline dangerously upped the chances of heart disease, cancer and respiratory problems - something which doesn't hold true for people with slimmer waists. Significantly, the researchers found that health risks persisted even for those who didn't gain weight, but only put on ampler waistlines. They feel that the increased risk might be due to the characteristics of abdominal fat. Studies have suggested that abdominal fat is responsible for secreting proteins and hormones that raise cholesterol levels and inhibit the body's insulin processing capability. So, if you didn't so earlier, it's time to watch your diet and level of activity - key factors that keep your waistline in check.
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Monday, October 18, 2010
Meditation: Non-Drug Option For MS Patients
A small Swiss study conducted recently claims that a form of medication called "mindfulness" could be effective for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS), which often brings on depression and anxiety. Although more extensive research is necessary to substantiate this claim, it might well be admitted that meditation is safe and cheaper than the medications MS patients take. Earlier research has indicated half of MS patients face depression during their life span and anxiety disorders afflict one in four. A significant percentage of these patients complain of experiencing fatigue, which often assumes disruptive proportions. Scientists at the University Hospital Basel, studying the efficacy of their mindfulness program, discovered that participants who received this meditation program reported substantial relief from fatigue and depression for up to six months and had a better quality of life, too - something which could not be said for patients receiving standard medical care. Although the findings may attract skepticism, there's no denying that mindfulness has no side-effects and comes for free. Giving it a try, therefore, shouldn't hurt...
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Resistance Training Better Option For Improved Flexibility, Reveals American Study
Although conventional wisdom favors static training for improved flexibility over resistance training, a new study, presented at the American College of Sports Medicine's 57th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, begs to differ. The research, which saw participation from 25 college-age volunteers, suggested carefully crafted, full-range resistance training regimens can often turn in better results in comparison to typical static stretching regimens. Researchers studied the effects of both resistance training and stretching programs, which concentrated on the same muscle-joint complexes over similar movements and ranges, on subjects. Post-tests determined flexibility and strength. The results, surprisingly, indicated stretching conferred no statistically significant advantage over resistance training. In fact, resistance training helped produce better improvements in flexibility in certain instances, while also improving strength. Although further careful and detailed research is necessary to substantiate the results, fitness enthusiasts may well be advised to consider resistance training, if they aren't into it already, as an important option, as well.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
A Couple Of Ways Of Keeping Safe - From Varicose Veins
Varicose veins in your legs can surely cramp your normal lifestyle, to put it mildly. However, raising your awareness on ways to prevent them in the first place is the best way to nip the problem in the bud. There are two easy options that help you stay safe from vascular problems in the legs. The first approach is getting sufficient regular physical activity, which facilitates healthy circulation and, into the bargain, inhibits weight gain and obesity - factors linked to increased risk of varicose veins. The second approach is leg placement. Avoid inactive standing for long periods or sitting with legs crossed - try to elevate your legs from time to time. Apart from maintaining these effective approaches to keep free of varicose veins, you can also try a supplement like horse chestnut seed extract (HCSE), which enjoys wide popularity in Europe as an antidote to chronic venous insufficiency, a condition responsible for symptoms like swelling, varicose veins, leg pain, itching, and skin ulcers. Escin, the active ingredient in HCSE, helps normal vessel wall functioning. So toss out the specter of varicose veins - you owe your legs that much...
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Making A Health Statement - With Berries
Come summer and you spot those mouthwatering berries in all their freshness hanging from a branch. However, it's not just enough to behold their natural splendor, but to see that these naturally sweet and tasty treats grace your plate, too. Even after the summer months have made their exit, you can pick up the frozen varieties almost throughout the year. So, just go ahead and indulge yourself to your heart's content - see that you include them with your daily snacks and meals. And not only for the sweet, juicy experience reminiscent of those indolent summer days, but the fabulous health benefits that these berries fetch for you and your family. Inform yourself on 15 of the healthiest and tastiest berries that you can lay your hands on for better health tomorrow. Maybe you haven't heard of some of them - like dewberry or huckleberry. Some others, like cherry or strawberry, might find you on more familiar territory. You can forestall a swarm of unsettling diseases including cancer, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and peptic ulcers by not burying your berry diet. So if you're longing to fashion your health statement - why not say it with berries?
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
High Dosage Of B Vitamins Fights Brain Shrinkage And Amnesia, Finds British Research
Heavy doses of B vitamins can inhibit brain shrinkage, a condition which frequently progresses to Alzheimer's disease, say British researchers. These supplements may even reduce shrinkage to the extent of 50%, which indicates their capability to delay the onset of Alzheimer's. Although further research is necessary to substantiate the findings, the results are all the more striking due to the comprehensive failure of most other experimental Alzheimer's treatments. Scientists at the University of Oxford led by Dr. A. David Smith studied 168 volunteers with mild cognitive impairment, which manifests by way of memory loss, language problems and other mental challenges beyond those that might normally be attributed to ageing. Almost half of people over 70 with mild cognitive impairment proceed to Alzheimer's disease. The logic underlying the study was straightforward - B vitamins are known to reduce homocysteine levels in the blood, which is suspected of bringing on Alzheimer's. The researchers believe if suitably high doses of these supplements are administered to patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment under medical supervision, the results can be quite dramatic.
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Getting Over Chronic Insomnia With Aerobic Exercise
Sleepless nights have you tossing and turning in bed and waking up bleary eyed each morning, making it a tough ask pulling through the exacting demands of modern-day living. Taking recourse to sleeping pills is, of course, an option, despite the attendant disadvantages by way of side-effects. However, new research, published in the October issue of the journal Sleep Medicine, conducted by scientists at Northwestern University shows aerobic exercise may be the ideal way of tackling your sleeplessness, a condition that affects millions of people. In fact, regular aerobic exercise is likely to not only improve the quality of sleep, but also enhances vitality and the feeling of well-being. According to lead author of the study, Kathryn Reid, PhD, of the Department of Neurobiology and Physiology at Northwestern University, the best way to seek relief from insomnia is drug-free treatment as it precludes the chances of sleep medications interfering with other drugs a person already requires regularly. Sleep is viewed in the scientific community along similar lines as nutrition and exercise - all essential ingredients for a healthy lifestyle.
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Friday, October 8, 2010
Say 'No' To Cancer - With Broccoli And Brussel Sprouts
Researchers claim that broccoli and Brussels sprouts are capable of arresting the spread of cancer. Eating these vegetables stimulates the body to produce a substance called 13C (indole-3-carbinol) which fights the spread of cancer cells. In a recent study published in Cancer Prevention Research, scientists working at the Ohio State University found convincing evidence showing that 13C potentially had anticancer effects and other health benefits. Although the study centered upon breast cancer cells, it may be hoped that 13C might be capable of resisting other cancers, as well, and even reversing Alzheimer's disease. This considerably technical article details the protective effects of 13C against cancer. The study supplements a growing body of evidence of the anti-cancer and health benefits of broccoli, Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables. With the threat of cancer, in its various forms, threatening the very essence of human existence, it's time to look at preventive options to keep free from this life-threatening menace. So why not begin this important venture with these wonder vegetables?
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sweating It Out May Help You Age Gracefully
It's a matter of individual perception as to what ageing gracefully really means. However, an overwhelming majority of these personal opinions tend to presuppose higher levels of physical activity, suggest a couple of studies presented at the American College of Sports Medicine’s 57th Annual Meeting in Baltimore. Researchers in Portugal and Japan found that higher physical activity was associated with better perceived health, functional fitness and mood. On the flip side, a more indolent lifestyle was viewed as responsible for poor balance, depression and perceptions of poor health. With an increasing percentage of the human population edging towards senescence, keeping them in reasonably good health in the challenge for policymakers. Scientists in Japan discovered a definite link between functional fitness and depression. They found that elderly people who maintained a mildly active lifestyle reported a lesser extent of depression, fatigue and confusion. Therefore, for those well advanced in years, it can be recommended without reservation that they make themselves more active - even if it be a walk in the park...
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Daydreaming Can Help Release Your Inner Potential
Floating off into dreamland while surrounded by the usual mundane demands of a busy existence can provide a key to unlock your inner potential. Daydreaming is worth a lot more than wishing yourself to a remote island and watching the dolphins dance. Researchers claim that daydreaming can help you solve problems, lift your monotony, and lead a more stress free life. They estimate that our minds stray to daydreams from 15 to 50 percent of our waking hours. In this semiconscious state, you're able to establish an adequate level of communication with your subconscious mind, which can potentially help you with brilliant insights and even offer relief from stress and tension by relaxing the nervous system, lowering blood pressure and improved pain management. However, that aside, the idea of letting your mind drift off into those choice and idyllic spots comes with a pinch of salt. Daydreaming spells a real and present danger while driving a car or operating machinery, where the slightest negligence can invite unsightly accidents. With that said, by all means, why not let your creative side take control for a change?
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Going Green With A Smile
Treading the eco-friendly path doesn't necessarily mean taking to an austere lifestyle, according to Knox College psychologist Tim Kasser, Ph.D. There's no need to give up the comfy lifestyle you're so used to in your arduous attempt to go green. In fact, you can take it slow by instituting only a few changes inside a definite period of time. As the years flash by, you are likely to notice significant changes in the different facets of your daily life that will unmistakably attest to a greener you, points out Oberlin psychologist Cindy McPherson Frantz, Ph.D. However, she advises electing for changes and that carry weight - such as, buying an energy-efficient car. That way, the impact you make on the environment is more telling than with more subtle lifestyle changes like taking daily cold showers. Further, exposure to nature, fresh air, sunlight and the outside world in general can encourage a feeling of oneness with the environment, and free up the desire to be environmentally responsible, according to British researchers. Your will to go green can certainly be accomplished, and without a tear too...
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Monday, October 4, 2010
ADD/ADHD May Not Keep Your Child From Succeeding In School
School may not be the best place for kids limited by attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (ADD/ADHD), disadvantaged as they are with woefully short attention span coupled with hyperactivity. However, as a parent, you can make a whale of a difference by implementing some practical strategies that include teachers and administrators to help your child not only cope with but actually thrive in school. It helps to communicate with teachers in order to find out how best your child can learn in the classroom environment despite facing obvious difficulties in sitting still, listening quietly and concentrating. Children with ADD/ADHD are capable of appropriate classroom behavior when presented with specific goals and daily positive reinforcement. As a parent, you can help develop a behavior plan in collaboration with your child's teacher that incorporates this fact. Further, while at home with your child, take care to provide an undisturbed atmosphere for study and follow these steps to make learning an interesting and fun activity. Most important of all, don't lose hope - your child has a promising future ahead, after all...
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Friday, October 1, 2010
Watch Out - For Bed Bugs!
If you get up in the morning and notice red welts all over your skin or sense an unpleasant, pungent smell in or near the bed, count yourself simply a witness to the onslaught of bed bugs. After over two decades of near extinction, bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) have staged a determined comeback and overwhelmed most US households with their omnipresence. The phenomenon is serious enough to be classed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a "major problem." The reason seems to be a surge in international travel - these pests are fond of hitching rides on your luggage. However, you may lay aside any health concerns as bed bugs are incapable of transmitting disease, although it's decidedly unpleasant having to deal with them. Try these tips on securing your home from the menace of bed bugs. For instance, when you get back home, wash all your clothes in hot water to kill any infestation. Eliminating bed bugs isn't an easy proposition - they seem have developed a remarkable resistance to most natural pesticides. Don’t stop short of seeking professional help if you feel yourself helplessly, well, bed bugged...
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