There are several methods and ways to treat hemorrhoids, it can be through surgery or non-medicinal treatments such as Hemmorroidolysis / Galvanic Electrotheraphy, laser coagulation or enema. However, there are also natural ways of treating hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids are caused by constipation or diarrhea, straining during bowel movements, hypertension, obesity and excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine. Overall, hemorrhoid is not life-threatening. Symptoms include irritation, itching, swelling, or bleeding.
One of the natural ways to treat hemorrhoid drinking chamomile tea, eating fiber-rich foods and vegetables, and using squat-toilet movements. There are also herbs such as comfrey root and white oat back that can help heal hemorrhoids.
Kal Sellers suggest to buy it in powder form and mix them with cocoa butter to a suppository. According to Kal Sellers, MH "They disinfect, purify, remove clots and regenerate and astringe the tissue to pull things back into place and make strong that which was weak.It is usually a quick remedy, but it is to be repeated until fully healed. Usually, this will be a lifetime fix if good dietary principles are followed thereafter."
He also suggests taking mized apple cider vinegar, honey and cayenne with distiled water before and during meals. This protect capillaries agains toxic damage and improves digestion.
Whether you opt to use the medical treatment or the natural way of healing hemorrhoids, it is still important to take the necessary precaution to avoid hemorrhoids. As the famous saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
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