New Year marks new goals, new resolutions. And working on achieving our goals means utilizing our brain more. Here are some ways on how to enhance your brainpower:
Eat Right.
Make sure you include the following in your daily meals: walnuts, sardines, wild salmon, herring, omega-3 eggs and flaxseeds. Also it is important to eat protein every morning to promote brain function.
Take Supplements
We may not be eating a well-balanced diet each day and failure to do so affects our brain as well. That is why it is important to take the necessary supplements to enhance our brain. Multi-vitamins, omega-3 fat fish and vitamin b, folic acid are just a few of the supplements that you can take.
Get Enough Sleep
To get a good night sleep, avoid taking in food that has caffeine, cold medications alcohol and even sugar before going to bed. These may interfere with sleep. Take a hot bath, and clear your mind from worries and problems.
Exercise creates a huge impact in our brains. It helps improve learning, memory and even concentration. So make sure you put in 30 minutes of exercise in your daily activities.
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