You probably receive a lot of invites, postcards and marketing materials from various gyms and spas, inviting you to join and use their facilities. It is important that you know how to properly select a gym that would fit your needs.
It is best if you compare various gyms as well as their facilities and their services. To help you choose the right gym, here are some questions that you should ask yourself before you decide:
- In the past, did you use one or two pieces of equipment or did you take advantage of everything that was available? If you use the club to ride the one stationary bike in the corner you may be subsidizing your fellow members if you don't use the other equipment.
- How are you motivated? If you are motivated by external objects or people (extrinsic motivation) you will need a club that provides trainers, classes and other members of your age to work out with.
- Ready to exercise and bathe in front of others? There are a few clubs where individual stalls are provided.
- How much per day are you willing to pay for a place to workout? What is the value to you?
- How do you feel? Think about before, during and after. All three emotional states are important factors to help you continue with the program. You should look forward to going to this place to workout. You should enjoy the people you meet there, even if all you do is say hello and goodbye. You should be in a relaxed state when you leave.
- Are you also using the club for social interaction? If not and you are the self-motivating type, you may do well with home exercising equipment. If so, there's no doubt that seeing others exercise is a great motivator and can reinforce the reason why you're there.
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