Friday, April 30, 2010

Waking Up Early - Not That Distant A Dream Any Longer

To struggle every morning for extracting yourself out of bed isn't exactly a pretty sight. But not any more. Not with these well-thought-out tips that help you in your mission to join the exclusive ranks of early risers. For example, it's important to summon your willpower and make a resolution to wake up early if you're aiming for that on a consistent basis. Another strategy is to use an alarm that doesn't intrude upon your sensibilities - otherwise you'll simply end up being nonresponsive. Come to think of it, getting out of bed early isn't as precipitous a task as some also-rans might make it out to be - provided, of course, you don't get taken in by their ill-advised persuasions.

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tone Up Your Health With Savory Delights This Barbeque Season

A recent study at The University of Western Ontario reports the sauces used to roast barbecues may offer hitherto undiscovered medical benefits. Raymond Thomas, Western biology and psychology postdoctoral fellow, who led the research, claimed that common marinades might be something more than simply tasty sauces. In fact, they can also be a rich source of natural antioxidants. Foods replete with antioxidants figure prominently in preventing cardiovascular disorders, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Now, that's about enough reason to just spruce up your barbeque with the right sauces...

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Occasional Binges Might Offset The Health Benefits Of Light Drinking

Although researchers have linked mild drinking to enhanced cardiac health, a new study claims those benefits melt away when drinkers get tempted into occasional binges. Scientists found those drinking heavily on a frequent basis were 45 percent more susceptible to coronary heart conditions due to buildup of plaque in the heart arteries that restrict the flow of blood and oxygen. Hence, you would be best advised to stay away from heavy booze sessions not only for your own well-being but also for avoiding its unfortunate immediate consequences by way of accidents and violence due to loss of self-control.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nighttime Bathroom Trips May Invite Cancer

Picking yourself up from bed in the middle of the night to answer nature's call may cause more problems than just upsetting a good night's sleep. Only, that is, if you switch on the light during the process. According to various news outlets, including the Daily Mail, British and Israeli researchers are claiming that even brief exposure to light in the middle of the night can stimulate brain cells to trigger cancer. Although there's no immediate reason to get alarmed, according to Kyriacou, professor of behavioral genetics associated with University of Leicester, prolonged, as opposed to momentary, exposure to bright light at night does appear to promote cancer.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

5 Ways To Slash Your Medical Bills

Healthcare bills can spiral out of proportions if not monitored adequately. An overwhelming 79 million Americans struggle under humongous medical debt and in 2007 most bankruptcy filings were related to medical expenses issues. However, there are ways to cut down on your costs to avert that eventuality. For example, scrutinizing your bills to detect inaccuracies could save you from 20 to 40 percent on billing errors. Also, don't accept those fees unquestioningly - reserve the right to appeal a claim if you suspect you've been wrongfully overcharged. Enhancing awareness and sparing some time and effort can prove invaluable in bringing down healthcare expenses.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Green Tea Might Help To Reduce Lung Cancer Risk In Smokers

Sipping a cup or more of green tea everyday may help in lowering the risk of lung cancer in smokers, according to Taiwanese researcher I-Hsin Lin, a master's degree student at Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan. In fact, she found that smokers as well as non-smokers who didn't drink green tea faced more than five times higher risk of lung cancer in comparison to those who had at least one cup of green tea daily. Although Lin's findings can't be said to be conclusive, it offers fresh hope for smokers who find it difficult to quit.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lasting Out The Allergy Season

Runny nose, watery eyes accompanied by constant sneezing indicate another allergy season is upon you. Seasonal rhinitis - otherwise called "hay fever" - stands out as the commonest form of allergic condition in America, affecting about one in five people. But that doesn't mean you are destined to suffer the accompanying inconveniences - if you follow these instructive tips like washing your hair every night and using air-conditioning. However, don't hesitate to seek immediate medical assistance if things start getting out of hand.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Diet And Exercise May Be Preferable To Drugs For Lowering Heart Risks In Diabetics

Over 1 in 10 American adults suffer from diabetes, and a majority of them keep down their blood sugar levels through various medications. However, recent studies have shown that blockbuster drugs aren't quite effective in preventing the biggest cause for diabetic deaths, which is heart disease. The studies point out that more is not necessarily better when it comes to medications to counter the effects of diabetes. Instead, modifications in lifestyle such as using drugs sparingly, avoiding junk food and exercising regularly can go a long way towards averting the risks associated with diabetes, and without any side effects.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Research Credits Calcium With Lower Mortality

A new study conducted by Swedish researchers discovered including more calcium in your diet helps you survive longer. The findings corroborate earlier research linking higher calcium intake to enhanced longevity in both men and women. However, there's no evidence that calcium intake has any significant impact on the risk of dying due to cancer. Apparently, calcium does seem to lower mortality risk by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar levels. It might be mentioned in this context that foods such as milk, milk products as also cereal products serve as good sources of dietary calcium.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Seeing Through Allergy Myths

Identifying the truth behind common allergy myths can help a lot in staying away from afflictions like sneezing and sniffing. Seasonal allergies, accompanied by runny nose or itchy eyes, affect about 35 million Americans from spring through fall. A well-accepted allergy myth is that consumption of honey prevents or cures hay fever. However, Maeve O’Connor, M.D., associated with Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center in Charlotte, NC, points out there's no evidence that eating honey might alleviate or prevent this condition. Similarly, another myth that adults are immune from allergies doesn't hold water.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Telltale Signs Your Aging Parents Might Need Your Help

Children with aging parents should watch out for telltale warning signals that all’s not well with them. Falling on the steps or maybe forgetting to take medication may be the tip of the iceberg – hinting at deeper health-related issues. It’s easy to overlook trifling incidents involving forgetfulness or oversight on the part of mom or dad. However, it’s advisable to look out for these 14 indicative signs warranting closer association with parents on the part of children in order to avert or, at least, minimize major disasters. If all this sounds familiar territory, it’s time to show you really care…

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Remedy For Smelly Feet

Icky feet can make you feel self-conscious, but doesn't mean you can't dispense with this condition. The overwhelming count of sweat glands present in the feet is responsible for their profuse and smelly perspiration. Some people might even suffer from a condition called bromhidrosis, which is genetically propagated. However, the good news is that you can escape this particularly inconveniencing affliction by taking some remedial actions like cutting down on non vegetarian foods and cleaning the insides of your shoes regularly.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't Neglect To Query Your Physician About Shedding Flab

In its endeavor to improve the efficacy of physicians to combat obesity in society, which has assumed pandemic proportions, the American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP) has delineated five questions overweight people should ask of their doctors. Questions to be asked range from those related to conditions like hypothyroidism and insulin resistance to uptake of vitamin D and exercise readiness. After all, the quality of medical treatment has a direct bearing on the exhaustiveness of diagnosis, with these questions seek to facilitate.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Overweight Youngsters Could Be Heading For Big Trouble Years Later

People in their 20s who are suffering from obesity and type 2 diabetes might have to negotiate rough waters later on in life in the form of cardiac arrest or stroke. According to Dr. Dale J. Hamilton, diabetes clinical services chief with The Methodist Hospital, Houston, high blood pressure and ample waistline are some of the precursors of metabolic syndrome that can lead to type 2 diabetes. In case you identify yourself with any of these symptoms, it's about time you opted for appropriate treatment in order not to have to confront medical emergencies later on in life.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Stop Living With Lower Back Pain

Back pain affects about 8 in 10 people. But you don't have to live with it if you can follow some steps that offer you substantial relief. One of them is to exercise regularly in order to tone up your back and abdominal muscles. Further, activities involving mild exercise such as swimming or biking are definitely recommended. You could also attend yoga classes for strengthening muscles and improving posture. Sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D is also important for keeping the bones in good shape. However, do not fall shy of seeking medical attention in case of unremitting discomfort in your lower back.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Vitamin D Might Offer Protection Against Crohn's Disease

Unsatisfactory levels of vitamin D may enhance the risk of contracting Crohn's disease, claims a new Canadian cell study. Stated simply, vitamin D makes possible efficient functioning of the body’s immune system, which protects against microbial infection. At present, Crohn’s disease affects about one in 400 people in western countries and currently there's no direct cure, and patients primarily attempt to control the associated symptoms. It's possible to enhance vitamin D levels by increased exposure to sunlight and opting for appropriate dietary supplements.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Have A Heart (Literally) - Lose Weight

There's mounting evidence, reinforced by a new study, that obesity does negatively impact cardiac health - by precipitating such life-threatening conditions as high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, stroke risk increases with step-up in body mask index (BMI) and waist circumference, which are some well accepted measures of obesity. The risk factors cut across geographies as well as ethnicities, indicating the urgent need to create public consciousness regarding the disastrous consequences of putting on extra flab.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Simple Exercise To Improve Memory And Mental Faculty

Does your memory fade or do you have learning difficulty? If that's the case, this simple exercise can get you up and running and costs just about three minutes per day. Sounds good? Well, the technique was introduced by Master Koa Chok Sui, a pranic healing authority, in his book SuperBrain Yoga. The exercise has gained awesome popularity and was featured in a Los Angeles CBS News. The procedure stimulates neural pathways in the brain, and offers relief from mental and emotional sickness while improving memory and focus. Anyone, whether child or adult, can benefit from this yogic exercise without having to fret about the side-effects of a pill-popping regimen.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Awaken The Full Potential In Your Child

If you happen to be a parent resigned to bringing up an underperforming child, there's hope yet. You no longer have to listen despondently to teachers explaining that your kid has potential and just needs to work that much harder. Because, according to Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, human beings are gifted with “Multiple Intelligences” - eight of them, in fact. Any person, whether child or adult, might possess excellence in any one or more of these intelligences. The key to releasing the full potential in your child is to identify these intelligences. The next step would be to encourage your kid to stay focused on these pathways to cognitive learning.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Optimism Tunes Up Your Immune System

Suzanne Segerstrom, psychologist with University of Kentucky, in her latest research, has found evidence linking optimism with immunological strength. It appears there's a close relationship between personal optimism and cell-mediated immunity (CMI), which helps significantly to fight viral infections. For those frequently afflicted by emotional downswings, the findings have a lot to offer. It appears there's a lot to gain from keeping cheerful rather than wallowing in the doldrums of depression and self pity. Your immune system responds positively when you entertain a spirited outlook instead of sulking and blaming it all on destiny.

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Top 10 - Gastronomic Offenders Vs. Deliverers

It's true that you really are what you eat. However, the standard American diet leaves a lot to be desired with its heavy emphasis on fast food, which is responsible for physical disorders like obesity and high blood pressure. Well, if that happens to be familiar turf for you, it's time to apply the brakes - right now. That's if you'd rather not tip yourself over the edge and feel sorry about all that later in a rare moment of exceptional insight. Sorry, just pulling your leg... Point is, there's good info for you. To be precise, info on the 10 worst vis-à-vis the best foods that might help you decide what might grace your plate, or rather, palate.

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