Wikipedia defines gallstones (choleliths) as crystalline bodies formed within the body be accretion of concretion of normal of abnormal bile component. This happens when bile contains excessive cholesterol and there is a lack of bile salts inside the gall bladder. Incomplete and infrequent emptying of the gallbladder as well as the presence of proteins in the liver and bile are one of the major causes of the formation of the stones.
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. shared some tips on how to prevent gallstone formation:
* drink plenty of water or liquid to help your bile to empty your gallbladder frequently.
* avoid crash dieting - this can eventually lead to gallstone formation
* Take Vitamin C and curcumin daily.
* Lower your sugar intake instead increase your fiber intake.
* Decrease your fat intake. Fat can trigger an attack if you already have gallstones.
* Increase your calcium intake daily. Calcium helps bind bile acids. Limit it to 500-600 mg daily consumption.
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