Lipsticks adds colors to a woman's lips and makes women physically more appealing. However recent study shows that some lipsticks found at department stores may contain lead.
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics commissioned an independent laboratory to test lead levels in 33 brand-name lipsticks. Results show that 61% of the lipsticks had detectable lead levels.
In some countries such as Australia, they have mandated comestic manufacturers to include their labels with warning statements and safety directions.
According to wikipedia,
Lead is a poisonous metal that can damage nervous connections (especially in young children) and cause blood and brain disorders. Because of its low reactivity and solubility lead poisoning usually only occurs in cases when the lead is dispersed, like when sanding lead based paint, or long term exposure in the case of pewter tableware.
Women should be more cautious in choosing their lipsticks. Start reading the labels. Its better to be on top of the infromation rather than blowing off poisonous kisses :)
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