Who would've thought that childhood ear infections and adult weight gain can be relative to each other?
According to APA Online, "Researchers presented findings that children who suffer from repeated middle-ear infections, or otitis media, are much more likely to be overweight as children and as adults."
Derek Snyder, a Yale University neuroscience graduate student, explained that an important taste nerve, the chorda tympani, runs from the tongue up through the middle ear and into the brain. If the middle ear is infected, the nerve can get damaged. The effect is that certain nontaste sensations, like the creaminess of fat, get intensified. Repetitive ear infections may lead to changes in food preference (fatty and creamy foods) which may, in time lead to obesity during adulthood.
A piece of advice, we should in total control of ourselves. We control our wants and desires. It is important that we have self-discipline in order to avoid becoming obese. Despite these results, we can still control our food intake and food preference. Lets filter and choose the foods we take wisely. If you have had repetitive ear infections and have noticed the change in your food preference, then try to discipline yourself by controlling your intake. It is still better to avoid being overweight and obese than regret it in the end.
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