After so many years on work you were sometimes dreaming of a long, fun and relaxing vacation. People are becoming more practical. We want to make sure that our future is really secure. Knowing the candidates stand on health insurance is also very important for all Americans.
Tax Policy Center analysts estimated that McCain's proposal would reduce the number of Americans who are uninsured from a projected 67 million to 65 million in a decade, while Obama's proposal would leave 33 million people uninsured.
Mc Cain's proposal aims to expand the coverage by allowing people to shop for health insurance and by replacing the current tax exemption for employer-provided insurance with tax credits of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families. He also suggests employer contributions to insurance plans they provide to employees would be taxable.
Meanwhile Obama's plan seeks to expand coverage by offering a mix of private and public group health insurance options. He suggests that all employers would be required to offer health insurance to the people they employ or contribute to the cost.
The cost of McCain's health care plan over a decade was projected to be $1.3 trillion, compared to $1.6 trillion for Obama's plan.
here are some tips to getting Health Insurance when retiring early.
1. do a reality check meaning that before you get carried away you had make sure that you can afford to buy it on the open market.
2. Get in better shape, the healthier you are the more chance you can get the insurance and the lower your premiums.
3. Probe the paperwork your medical records may paint less flattering portrait due to errors or omissions. So tell your doctor to set aside time to review your medical history with you for accuracy. Then you should stay with the company that you are in now. Then if you are ready you can now search for an insurance that would fit you and wait for the time you can benefit on it.
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