Tip 1: Stay Physically Fit
Even if you’re 90 or up with shaky knees, you should still stay fit and active. Engage yourself in simple routines such as daily walks or hobbies like gardening and playing tennis. Avoid strenuous exercises when it is not applicable to your age.
Tip 2: Be Positive
Always have a positive outlook in life. Manage your stress to prevent any health issues. Avoid having negative thoughts that can result to having a health disorder.
Tip 3: Interact with People
Have a socially-active life. Always interact with your family and friends who make you happy. Join community groups and participate in community-related activities because it does not only make you socially-active but it also gives you something to spend your time with.
Tip 4: Be Spiritually Active
Whatever your religious beliefs are, it is important to have a connection with what you see as a higher power. That helps you have purpose in life and an optimistic outlook on events.
Longer life means being healthy and living healthy. You can do it. And of course, remember to live your life to the fullest.
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