Although it is not the ideal, sometimes we may find ourselves having to eat fast food.
Hera are some tips from Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. in case you have to eat at a fast food restaurant:
1. No matter how hungry you are, you are better off ordering a small amount of food and making up for it with healthier foods later. Don't super-size or add on items.
2. Pile on the lettuce, tomato and other vegetables that come with your order, to add some fiber and antioxidants.
3. If you order a salad, choose the low-fat dressing, and add sparingly. One serving of full-fat dressing can be equal to the amount of fat in a cheeseburger!
4. Finally, ask to see a list of the nutritional content of menu items. Some restaurants have them posted - if they don't, ask for them, and ask yourself if you really want to eat there.
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