Tuesday, July 1, 2008

6 Diet Busters: Healthy-Sounding Foods That Really Aren’t

There are many foods out there that you may think are healthy because of the way they are named. When shopping make sure that you are reading the labels carefully because you may be eating something that is worse than what you may think. Your intentions may be good ones, but there are many hidden calories in some so called "healthy foods". Below are some of the worst offenders that you need to steer clear of, or consume in moderate amounts.

1. Energy Bars - Energy bars usually contain protein and fiber—nutrients that help you feel full—but also may be loaded with calories. Make sure that you eat them occasionally and that the ones you consume are calorie-controlled.

2. Granola - Granola sounds healthy. But it’s often high in fat, sugar and calories. Don’t be fooled by a seemingly reasonable calorie count; portion sizes are usually a skimpy 1/4 or 1/2 cup. Low-fat versions often just swap sugar for fat and pack as many calories as regular versions.

3. Salads - Toppings are the deal breakers with salads. When choosing to eat a salad, keep the toppings to a minimum. That is where the calories can add up.

4. Smoothies - Smoothies may seem like a tasty way to get your recommended fruit servings—but studies show that beverages are less filling per calorie than solid foods. Added sugars can make some the equivalent of drinking fruit pie filling.

5. Sushi Rolls - There is a wide variety of sushi rolls and the fried tidbits and mayonnaise in some can really tuck in calories. Some 12-piece Dragon Rolls (eel, crunchy cucumbers, avocado and “special eel sauce”) have almost 500 calories and 16 grams of fat (4 grams saturated).

6. Yogurts - Some premium whole-milk yogurts can give you a hefty dose of saturated fat. Many low-fat versions are every bit as creamy. Enjoy a fruit-flavored low-fat yogurt, but understand that the “fruit” is really jam.

Click here for article.

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