With overflowing to-do lists and hectic schedule, we barely have time for ourselves. You might feel that relaxation or meditation is just a waste of your precious time. But studies show an ancient practice of meditation and relaxation is valuable to our health and fitness.
Barbara Lantin of Times Online said:
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which is about 80 per cent meditation, has been approved by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for use with people who have experienced three or more episodes of depression. And MBCT is now offered by some UK primary care trusts.
Meditation is a state of mind where your body and your mind relax. There are several techniques on how to meditate, can be a breathing technique, or mantra. It can also be just a relaxing bath with soothing music and candles. Main goal of meditation is to focus.
Relaxation can actually help alleviate stress, and tension inside our bodies, therefore improving our physical and mental state. Any sickness, when stress is added gets worse. And meditation can actually counter stress.
A few minutes of silence, and relaxation per day can do wonders to you and your health.
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