Friday, July 11, 2008

Different Heart Attack Symptoms For Men and Women

About a year ago my dad passed away from a heart attack.

What is even more heartbreaking is the fact that one of my uncles saw him earlier that day and noticed that he seemed very stressed out.

Being a very strong man- and very stubborn- I can just see my dad feeling the symptoms of a heart attack and trying to just ignore it.

People often times ignore symptoms that can indicate a serious condition out of a mix of fear of what that could be, fear of looking silly or wimpy for overreacting, and hope that whatever it is, it will go away.

The more you know about the possible symptoms the more likely you are to survive or help someone survive a life threatening situation.

And please never, never ignore symptoms. There is nothing embarrassing about making sure you stay alive.

Here are the most common symptoms for men:

- Pain or discomfort in the center of the chest
- Discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach
- Shortness of breath
- A cold sweat
- Nausea or lightheadedness

Here are the most common symptoms for women:

- Shortness of breath
- Weakness
- Unusual fatigue

Click here for more

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