Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resolution for 2009: Better Health

2009 is just around the corner.

This is the time of the year where we set our resolutions for the upcoming year. Hopefully you will include health related resolutions for 2009.

Here are some ideas:

  • - Avoid smoking—the leading cause of preventable risk
  • - Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight
    - Don’t drink and drive
    - Exercise regularly at an appropriate level
    - Consume alcohol only in moderation
    - Get regular preventive health care and checkups
    - Protect yourself against sexually-transmitted diseases
    - Check “alternative” practices with your doctor
    - Use seat belts on every trip
    - Keep your teeth and gums in good condition
    - Install and maintain a smoke detector in your home

    May you have a healthier 2009!

    Click here to read the article

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