Monday, December 22, 2008

Tips on Staying Energized

Here are ways to get back on productive groove!

1. Listen to relaxing music - listen to classical music. Harmony of the instruments relaxes your mind.

2. Deal with job burnout - relax and give yourself a break. Schedule a vacation to avoid work burnout.

3. Get some sun - National Institutes of Health recommends getting 10-15 minutes of sun every day. This will help you improve your mood and energy.

4. Work during your energy peaks - schedule non-thinking tasks during your "low-energy" time. Schedule work during your peak hours to be more productive.

5. Power nap! - rest for a few minutes and energize. 20 minute nap enhances alertness and concentration, elevates mood and sharpens motor skills. You can drink a coffee before you nap. The effect of the caffeine will take effect when u wake up.

Click here to read the article

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