Monday, February 16, 2009

The Dangers of Drinking Soda

There are probably thousands if not millions of people around the world are addicted to drinking soda / soft drinks. This maybe because it is very affordable, convenient and tasty. But what can a can of soft drinks do to us?

Sodas account for more than 25% of all drinks consumed in the United States. Being addicted to soda is a hard habit to break.

Here are some reasons why you should start controlling your soda intake:
1. You will gain extra pounds - One can of soda is equivalent to 1 lb of weight gain per month. Every time you drink soft drinks, your risk for obesity increases 1.6 times.

2. Liver damage - Research shows that consumption of soda can lead to liver cirrhosis.

3. Tooth decay - The high amount of acid in sodas can cause tooth decay. The acid in soda is much more worse than candies.

4. Kidney Stones and chronic Kidney disease - Soft drinks contain high amounts of phosphoric acid which promotes formation of kidney stone. Research shows that drinking one quart (less than three 12-ounce cans) of soda per week may increase a person's risk of developing kidney stones by 15%.

5. Diabetes - Sodas have high amount of sugar which can eventually lead to diabetes.

Other negative side effects include impaired digestion, heart burn and heart disease. So next time you open that can of soft drinks, think and ask yourself. What can this soda do to my body?

Click here to read the article

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