Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Germiest Places In America

There are two "schools of thought" when it comes to protecting yourself against germs: One says you must stay away from germs as much as you can and try to keep everything around you germ free. The other says you must have a strong immune system because it is impossible to stay away from germs.

I tend to agree with the second one. I've seen people who won't shake hands with other people because they are afraid of germs. And I've seen people walking around with a surgical mask during cold and flu season. And those are the people who end up getting sick most often, because they are focusing on the wrong aspect of health. You don't want to be silly and overexpose yourself to germs, but the most important thing is to boost your immune system.

There are several things you can do to help build a strong immune system:

- Eat right -including getting enough protein and limiting carb intake.

- Exercise

- Take relaxing brakes throughout the day

- Get enough sleep (seven to eight hours a day for most people)

Nonetheless, it helps know "where the danger is", so this is great article. We all know that public restrooms are pretty infested with germs, but most of us don't think of our own bathtubs as germy places...

Click here to read the article

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