Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Use a humidifier when the weather gets dry

It has been pretty dry here in L.A. with the winds for the past few days. With the winter heading into high gear, if you live in a drier area, you are bound to run into very dry weather. Even if you don't live in a dry area, the heaters inside your own home can dry the air enough that it becomes a problem.

Dry air can give you dry skin and chapped lips, but can have even more serious effect on your respiratory track. Here are some tips to stay healthy on dry weather.

- Keep a hygrometer in your house. Hygrometer is the device to measure the moisture in the air. You can buy a thermometer with a hygrometer basically everywhere you can buy a humidifier. I bough mine at Target for 19 bucks.

- Keep the humidity in your house between 30 and 50 percent. Click here for EPA's guidelines

- If it's cold, use a warm mist humidifier. If it's hot, use a cool mist humidifier.

- Keep your humidifier clean. It's amazing how much dirt those things collect from the water and from the air.

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