Thursday, September 4, 2008

Brain Zapping Foods

Have you noticed that you're a bit more slower after a heavy meal? Or you feel out of focus after lunch? Have you ever wondered whats causing it?

You don't need to look further! The type of foods that we eat may impact our brain activities. According to Dr. Westerdahl, director of Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine for Castle Medical Center in MidWeek, "There are certain nutrients that are important for a healthy brain and there are certain foods that you need to avoid, such as alcohol, because they destroy brain cells,".

Here are some of the foods to avoid:

1. Food Additives - such as MSG, and coloring blue 1 - MSG can cause sensitive neurons to die, whereas coloring blue 1 has been linked to brain tumors in mice.

2. Excessive Alcohol - can kill your braincells

3. Refined Foods - can cause imbalances in your brain that cause you to feel irritable or fidgety.

Some of the highly suggested foods are: organic egg, leafy vegetables, blue berries and apple, walnuts, salmon, whole grains and green or black tea. These foods are known to be brain zapping and can help improve your brain development.

Click here to read the article

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