Friday, June 13, 2008

How to Cope With Cravings

Cravings!! That eight letter word that makes us feel like we have made a major set back in our path to eating healthy. Don't let giving into them make you feel like you have failed. They are just small bumps in a very long road to a rewarding journey. Here are some helpful tips to help you fight off those pesky cravings.

When you first feel the onset of a craving, try to ride it out, much like riding an ocean wave. Don't feed into it by thinking about it. Keep yourself busy by reading a book, going for a walk, or writing your feelings down in a journal. Tell yourself that you are strong and in control. Remind yourself that binging might only make you feel better for a short while but finding healthier alternatives is beneficial in the long run. After your craving has passed, look back and try to identify what might have caused your craving. Was it stress, a certain person, a situation? Whatever the case, once you have identified your triggers, you can be the master of your cravings. Just know that this make take some time,and if you give in to a craving, don't beat yourself up, be patient and know that soon you will be successful.

Click here for article.

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