Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Mysteriously Addictive Quality Of Love

Pause before pulling out all stops and going effusive over the euphoric qualities of love, which has held sway over the minds and hearts of countless millions since the dawn of mankind. Anthropologist Helen Fisher, author of "Why We Love," in her quest to understand how the brain processes romantic love, found that this passionate emotion is interpreted by the brain as a reward. The same areas of the brain get stimulated as when a person seeks any type of reward - whether it be chocolate, money or drugs. According to Fisher, romantic love can be interpreted as a drive – similar to thirst or hunger. Fisher teamed up with other researchers and studied 17 people who recently had been stung by love. Their findings, published last year in the Journal of Neurophysiology, strikingly revealed participants unflinchingly expressed their readiness to die for the sake of their love. Research showed the brain's stem region, the ventral tegmental area, as being responsible for processing the emotion of romantic love. However, there can be little doubt that the quality of love transcends any type of scientific analysis...

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