Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sufficient Green Leafy Vegetables In Diet Can Slim Down Chances Of Type 2 Diabetes

Sufficient inclusion of green leafy vegetables in the diet can noticeably bring down the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to research appearing online in the British Medical Journal. The study, led by Patrice Carter at the University of Leicester, requires further investigation into the possible benefits of green leafy vegetables in controlling type 2 diabetes, the incidence of which has scaled dramatic proportions globally in the last two decades. Diets replete in fruit and vegetables are known to lessen the chances of both cancer and heart disease. However, how extra intake of fruit and vegetables may help contain diabetes isn't clear, according to the authors of the study. It is estimated that poor consumption of fruit and vegetables may have been responsible for 2.6 million deaths worldwide in 2000. The antioxidant content in these food items may be why fruit and vegetables can prevent chronic illnesses. The high magnesium content in green leafy vegetables like spinach could explain its ability to fight type 2 diabetes. Seems like plenty of reason to go green with your diet. Wouldn't you say?

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