Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Flip-Flops and Foot Care

Flip-Flops has become a popular trend for the past few years. Aside from being a popular beach foot wear, flip flops can now be worn with casual wears. But are they really feet-friendly?

Recent study from Auburn University in Alabama concluded that wearing flip-flops all day long can actually hurt your feet. They have tested 39 college students to see how they walked on a special platform wearing flip flops.

Researchers concluded that wearing flip flops all day can actually cause some lower leg pains.
"What we saw is that when people walk in flip-flops, they alter their gait, which may explain why we see some lower leg and foot problems in people who wear these shoes a lot," says study author Justin Shroyer, a graduate student in Auburn's department of kinesiology.

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