Monday, August 11, 2008

Are you eating healthy foods?

We sometimes have the wrong perception about healthy foods. Sometimes, we are influenced by the advertisements on television or magazines about the foods that we are eating. Are they really healthy foods?

Nutritionist Cynthia Sass, shares her knowledge about psuedo-healthy foods. Here are some of them:

Diet Soda
Ads tells us that diet sodas or sugar free sodas is one of the fastest way to shed off that extra pounds. But according to Dr. Sass, "For diet soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese tied to a 2 can a day habit is 57% compared to 46% for regular soda drinkers." Diet sodas can actually increase your drive to take in more sweets.

We think that pretzel is a healthier substitute for chips. However, pretzels are made of white flour striped of its vitamins and anti-oxidants and they are packed with carbohydrates.

Don't be fooled with the nice labels or advertisements, what seems to be healthy, might not be healthy after all.

Click here to read the article

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