Saturday, August 9, 2008

Big Breakfast = Loosing Weight

When we think of loosing weight, we initially think of cutting off our food intake. We think that by reducing the amount of food we take will lead us to the perfect body that we dream of.

According to, eating a 600-calorie breakfast rich in carbohydrates and protein helps dieters lose more weight long term than eating a modest breakfast.

A recent study was conducted at Virginia Commonwealth University to determine the long term effect of taking in big breakfast versus small breakfast. As a result, members of the big-breakfast group lost more than 21% of their body weight; low-carbohydrate group members lost 4.5%.

It is more likely for those who eat small breakfast to take unplanned snacks during the day versus those who take in big breakfast before lunch. To effectively shed off that extra pounds, it is important to start with a heavy breakfast daily, take protein every meal and increase fruits and vegetable intake.

Click here to read the article

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