Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Making A Health Statement - With Berries

Come summer and you spot those mouthwatering berries in all their freshness hanging from a branch. However, it's not just enough to behold their natural splendor, but to see that these naturally sweet and tasty treats grace your plate, too. Even after the summer months have made their exit, you can pick up the frozen varieties almost throughout the year. So, just go ahead and indulge yourself to your heart's content - see that you include them with your daily snacks and meals. And not only for the sweet, juicy experience reminiscent of those indolent summer days, but the fabulous health benefits that these berries fetch for you and your family. Inform yourself on 15 of the healthiest and tastiest berries that you can lay your hands on for better health tomorrow. Maybe you haven't heard of some of them - like dewberry or huckleberry. Some others, like cherry or strawberry, might find you on more familiar territory. You can forestall a swarm of unsettling diseases including cancer, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and peptic ulcers by not burying your berry diet. So if you're longing to fashion your health statement - why not say it with berries?

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