Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ways to achieve younger looking skin

We are all not getting any younger, each of us go through the point of aging and that also we experience changes in our body. One permanent thing in life is change and that old age brings changes especially to our skin. Some things that might happen to you when this time comes are:

-The production of collagen is beginning to slow down; this element helps the skin to be firm.
-The production of elastin is decreasing; this element makes the skin elastic.
-Cells that are fat are disappearing which may result to sagging of skin.
-Skin losing its ability to retain moisture.
-Lines are gradually appearing due to muscle contractions
-Dead skin do not shed quickly

We had known the result of these changes as wrinkles, sagging, dryness, thinness in the skin and perhaps discolorations such as “age spots”. The skin that had lost its youthful glow can actually age you a bit. And according to a study from the University of Gottingen in Germany, they found that people looked five years younger when skin discoloration was removed from their photos. A digital smoothing of wrinkles lopped off a whopping 15 years!

And to maintain a looking younger skin must be aware of the following:

- Cut back on sugar and refined cards
- Drink more water
- Indulge in fruit and veggies
- Consider taking alpha lipoic acid
- Take the antioxidant CoQ10
- Lay off the harsh soaps and cleansers

These can help you achieve the youthful glow in your skin keep in mind and take it in action and the skin you wish is just a way far from your hands

Click here for article

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