Monday, July 19, 2010

Getting Addicted To Junk Food

Obesity in both adults and children is steadily assuming alarming proportions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cravings figure as another of the multiple causes of increasing levels of obesity with many fighting a losing battle against their weakness for fast food. Food addiction works much the same way as addiction to alcohol, drugs, caffeine or drugs with the added disadvantage of victims being unable to "quit eating" as, obviously, what they crave is also what sustains them. Most food cravings include items containing plentiful amounts of bad fats, salt, sugar, which supply us more calories than we might care for. Unfortunately, these types of foods stimulate the brain's pleasure centers, which make it almost impossible to quit, observes psychologist Marcia Pelchat of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. Still, if you happen to be a victim, inculcating a certain amount of self-discipline and a few scientific techniques might hopefully see you get slimmer and well on your way to better health.

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