Thursday, August 26, 2010

Finding The Right Motivational Niche For Lifelong Fitness

Most people find it considerably difficult to weather a long-term exercise program and need that extra slice of motivation to keep them from quitting, according to an expert deliberating at the American College of Sports Medicine's 14th-annual Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition. This motivation or "fitness desire" can be extrinsic or intrinsic, depending on the subject. For example, extrinsically, a physician could explain that physical activity can bring down blood pressure. Intrinsically, however, the motivation can come from simply wanting to stay and feel shipshape. The type of motivation, therefore, that a person warms up to is important for determining the kind of physical activity that can be prescribed by a health expert. Further, such a fitness program should also blend in with the individual's lifestyle and physical capabilities. For instance, recreational athlete fitness programs primarily focus on sport in order to keep participants motivated to exercise. Deciding correctly your motivational niche means you're going to stick with your fitness program long enough to give your life that much-needed facelift you desperately miss...

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