Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Worst Drinks in America

The past 50 years or so has comprehensively nudged Americans into a serious drinking problem. Iced teas and lemonades have yielded ground to bottles or mixes with ingredients like "high-fructose corn syrup" and "ascorbic acid" figuring prominently on the labels. Plain water is no longer acceptable as a thirst quencher and, instead, artificially flavored and bottled drinks displaying the words "vitamin" or "energy" stamped on their labels are the more favored options. Also, in only the past decade or so, many Americans have abandoned the practice of brewing their own coffee and exhibited more interest in buying obscure items like "mocha latte." As a result of all this beverage evolution, convenience stores and beverage distributorships have morphed into virtual health traps, threatening to drive empty liquid calories down willing gullets till the damage inflicted becomes irreversible. However, it helps to inform yourself on this updated list of worst offenders - the nation's most damaging drinkables - so you can play safe next time you sip up...

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